Friday, October 21, 2011

Dandy Endorsed: Movember

Last year around this time we blogged about Movember, a month-long moustache growing event raising "vital funds and awareness for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer and other cancers that affect men". We recently learned that our friend and customer, Skinner, is participating so we asked him to be our Movember "corespondent". Starting with this post, Skinner will check in with us each week through November to update us on his progress. 

Skinner writes: 
We all know looking good is fun but let’s get serious for a minute. My life was changed forever last year with a random click while surfing the web: “Welcome to Movember. Changing the face of men’s health”. The initial “oh this looks funny”, turned more serious the deeper I searched the site. “Were all these stats true?”
1 in 2 men will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime.

13 million adult men over the age of 20 in the US have diabetes - and a third don’t know it.

1 in 8 men who suffer from mental illness actually seek help.

A third of the 571,950 cancer deaths expected to occur will be related to obesity, physical inactivity, poor nutrition and thus could be prevented.

I hadn’t been to a doctor in years, but it was okay. I was young, I worked out, and I ate right. So did my friend Mark who died 10 years ago from pancreatic cancer. I realized, although bow ties are great, hats are fun, and accessories are charming, I spent more time worrying about what to wear than my health. Last year alone I lost 4 dear friends to cancer and I’m sure all of us have similar stories. 

Simply put, we all know cancer is bad, but Movember takes it to the next level: “CHANGE HOW MEN THINK ABOUT THEIR HEALTH (and look good doing it)”. That’s what hit me so hard. So last year I started to grow a mustache. I went to the doctor (thankfully, all was well). During that month I heard sad stories, heard happy stories, and met the most inspiring, amazing, and classy people. Those relationships haven’t ended just because I shaved on December 1st. We’re all in this together and together we’re making a difference. Last year alone $80 million was raised for prostate cancer research and other programs.

So, please check it out and sign up. Join my team.  Start a team with friends, family or co-workers. Donate to someone you know (or me). At the very least, if you haven’t been to the doctor lately, set up an appointment. Looking good on the outside is great but being healthy can be a lifesaver.

Next week first trip to a real barbershop!

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