Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Television & Dandy Accessories

Our collar bar sales have gone through the roof for the past month or two and we've been thinking about the cause. We've decided that Boardwalk Empire has done for the collar bar the same as Mad Men for the tie bar.  Which leads us to ponder what other accessories might see a revival due to a hit tv show or film.  Perhaps a monocle from a Gilbert And Sullivan movie musical.  Or the deerstalker hat after a hit new Sherlock Holmes series.  Or spats after a Some Like It Hot remake.  Or even ascots due to a Duke Of Windsor mini-series.  What other accessories could you see revived from television or film?


  1. Pince-nez? (Poirot)...just wishful thinking....

  2. "just wishful thinking" I think is good thinking Ray.
    Maybe is the pince-nez in his breast pocket.

  3. I would like a combination of them all! I've been wearing spats (girlfriend, who is a tailor, makes mine) for a couple of years now, and I'm trying to find some nice collar pins, as well as a pocket watch. Boardwalk Empire is a great inspiration!

  4. Please, nothing inspired by Fred Astaire.

  5. I've noticed Eddie Kessler, Nucky Thompson's "Man Friday" wearing a dandy full round finger piece Pince-Nez lately. Eyewear props for the show are provided by an Optical shop in Ashland, Oregon. Everything used is authentic, period pieces too!
