Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Dandy Runs In My Family

I often speak about the style influence my grandfather has had on me over the years.  Until recently what I've known of him is from his photos from middle-age and older.  My mother recently came across a photo album from the late 1920's when he was a young man (Grandpa was born in 1907) and it became quickly apparent that he was even more dapper as a young man.  And what is particularly notable was that he was a central New York dairy farmer of rather modest means.  Here are a few favorite photos.

Most likely the first formal photo taken of him - probably 1923/1924.

School-yard dandy - 1925.

A group shot from a 4-H event, an organization he was heavily involved with most of his life.  He's the fifth from the left, last row.  1926.

This shot amused me because my grandfather and his brothers are dressed up under their coveralls.

In 1927 my grandfather and his brother escorted a heard of cattle across the country to Memphis via this train car.

In Memphis Grandpa met a school teacher from Wisconsin, my grandmother. This was most likely the first photo they took together.

I loved this photo of my grandfather in his whitest of whites and black bow tie.

Another 4-H group shot.  Grandpa is 6th from left, first row.  Love those socks!

That's Grandma and Grandpa in the background.

Grandpa is seventh from left in this 4-H shot.

I liked this shot, more for what the little boy is wearing.

The caption for this photo was "bankers inspecting the dairy show".

Grandpa starting out on a trip to Washington D.C. "the finest city in the world".

He was part of the New York delegation to the first national camp at Washington D.C.

"Some gang" - Grandpa (second from left) with his brother and friends.

Love those horn rimmed glasses.

Even in his work-wear Grandpa looked stylish with his cap and vest.

Another shot of Grandpa (far left) with a 4-H group. 


  1. pretty darn cool! thanks for sharing

  2. Great photos! He was one stylish fella!

  3. I'm delighted to see these photos -- and to find your blog!

  4. This is absolutely wonderful to see!! I see the resemblance. He is a great inspiration.
