Sunday, June 29, 2008

Finding Dandy: Prince Street

As I was getting off the subway, I saw a guy who I thought would be perfect to photograph for the blog. I was hoping to follow him up to the street so I could pull him aside and ask for a photo, but I lost him in the crowd. But then as I turned down Prince St., I was delighted to find a funky-looking guy sporting a bow tie. I asked him for a photo and he said he would only permit me to do so for $2!! I realized then that I was looking at a dandy of the panhandler variety. Needless to say, I refused and walked away.

A few blocks later, I realized that the first guy was walking about 10 paces ahead of me. Still feeling stung from my previous photo request, I was too shy to approach him. So I took a photo of him from behind. Not the same effect but oh well. I have to figure out a better way to approach guys for a photo.


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